77 days to go people! Unfortunately I am miserably ill (non pregnancy related) for the first time since finding out about our impending arrival, and it has hit me rather hard.
Not a whole lot to report right now- she's still kicking away and growing, growing, growing. We've been playing music for her and thus far her favorites have been the more melodic Phish tunes, Bruce Springsteen and the Men Without Hats (very, very 80's) song
The Safety Dance. Hmmm... quite the assortment. At least we know she doesn't discriminate in terms of genres.
Considering how large and uncomfortable I'm getting, I think today is a good time to talk about
Things My Mother Never Told Me About Being Pregnant:
1. Back fat ('nuf said)
2. The increasing inability to shave my own legs successfully.
3. That babies can shove their little feet so far under your ribs that you cannot breath, laugh, sleep, sit or walk.
4. That strangers and non-strangers alike feel that it is totally appropriate to comment that I "now have a butt" or "finally got boobs."
5. Likewise for people feeling that groping my belly is welcome or appropriate
So, ladies... please share with me what YOUR mother never told you about being pregnant...