Sunday, July 6, 2008

14 Weeks!

14 weeks! Right now the baby is about 3.5-4.5 inches inches long (about the size of a fist) and has gained the ability to movie it's little eyes this week :)

I am a feeling SO much better- no more morning sickness (knock on wood) and I was actually able to muster up enough energy to stay up for the fireworks last night! Wooooo! Here's a shot of my ever-growing baby belly (the jammies and bed head look to boot).


Jen at Cabin Fever said...

Look at that belly!

Shawn and I were at the park last night and saw Mike there, but not you. I was going to come over and say hi, but couldn't find you!

Stacey said...

You look wonderful Lindsey! What a nice little baby bump you got going there! You must be so happy the morning sickness is finally over! I love your blog. I check it weekly to see how this pretty preggo mama is doing! Muah.

Anonymous said...

You look sooooo beautiful!